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Regional and Business Meeting, October 2022

We discussed the plan to have the Fall 2023 regional meeting and business meeting in conjunction with the CASE California Science Education Conference because it will be a win-win. We attract people to the CASE conference which benefits CASE. We benefit because we will have the hotel conference rate, be able to attend the sessions along with our students and Noyce Scholars and Fellows, and because we don’t require dues we can meet without additional conference-related costs or commitments.  Donna Ross will request a session for our meeting/roundtables and she will also submit a proposal that our students can collaborate on.  Update: We discussed having two sessions, with one of them being the poster session, but there weren’t enough breakout rooms so the poster session will be in the lobby or hallway. We need to develop a webpage and share the information.  


Regional and Business Meeting, January 2023


We offered a virtual mini-conference immediately before the business meeting. This meeting was simultaneously on zoom and in person, with 24 people participating in part or all.  
We again discussed the plan for the Fall 2023 regional and business meeting to be in Palm Springs, CA, in conjunction with the CASE conference. Donna Ross is submitting proposals to have a session and a space for poster presentations.  The topic of social media came up again, but nobody has (as of yet) volunteered to take on that task.  The need for a webpage was brought up and Donna said she would investigate free or low-cost options.  Ideally, we will use a platform that can be transferred to the next Director.  We have a google drive with resources that can be transferred from director to director.  The topic of the location of the annual ASTE conferences was raised.  Unfortunately Louisiana is on the travel ban for the state of CA.  We discussed how hard it is to plan these conferences so far in advance. For example, in Utah the discriminatory laws were put into place after the deposit was made for the conference.  Corinne and Donna agreed to try to coordinate with HICE to see if we could go to Hawaii again. The idea of collecting dues and having an independent regional meeting was discussed. Several people offered to talk with other regions about how they hold funds and have bank accounts. There were mixed feelings about requiring dues from our regional members.  One of the opinions that seemed to be unanimous was that grad students should be free or very low-cost. ASTE is a welcoming conference to introduce graduate students to our professional organizations.  We also shared the exciting news that Corinne Lardy and Lisa Martin had submitted a proposal to host the Annual ASTE conference in Long Beach!!!  

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