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2024 Fall Regional Meeting

Our Fall Regional meeting will be in collaboration with the California Science Education Conference in Sacramento, CA on Nov. 08-10. We will have a business meeting and opportunities for you and your graduate students to present. There is no cost to participate, but you must register for the California Science Education Conference. Be sure to reserve your hotel room early. Submit a poster proposal by September 15, 2024.

Call for Proposals

Far West ASTE Fall Regional Meeting

Sacramento, CA

November 08-10, 2024

Poster Proposal Due Date: September 15, 2024

The ASTE Far West region is inviting proposals for presentations at our fall regional meeting.  This year, our meeting will be held in conjunction with the California Science Education Conference in Sacramento, CA, November 08-10, 2024.   Please note that all participants and presenters must register for the California Science Education Conference (, which will grant you access to all conference sessions (including the Far West sessions).  We encourage you to register early, as hotels sell out quickly for this conference. All proposals for the Far West meeting will be directly submitted to and reviewed by the Far West ASTE Regional Meeting Planning Committee. (If you wish to present at the Far West meeting sessions, please use the process described below; do not use the submission process on the CASE webpage.)

Why Partner with the California Science Education Conference?

Our Fall meeting is held in conjunction with the state science teachers’ conference. Because our Far West region does not require dues of our members, we do have the finances to run an independent regional conference. We are grateful to the California Science Education Conference for holding space for our region. Please note that there will also be sessions for our Western Region Noyce Participants.

Presentation Topics and Formats:

We invite colleagues to present their scholarly and creative work related to any area of science teacher education (preservice teacher education, inservice teacher education, informal education, etc.).  Topics of presentations may include:

  • Research

  • Innovative projects, methods, or approaches to educating science teachers

We particularly encourage our members to present with their students.  There will be a poster session that is perfect for students.

The committee anticipates the following options for presentation formats:

  • Poster sessions

Submitting a Proposal:

Proposals are due by September 15, 2024

Please use this to submit your proposal. You may also cut and paste the url.

The form includes:

1) Title of your presentation

2) Short abstract: A 2-3 sentence description of your presentation which should not exceed 75 words in total.

3) Author(s); For EACH author indicate:

  • Name

  • Affiliation (University/ Company/ Organization)

  • Email address

4) An upload of your proposal,  including an overview of the following:

  • Identify the challenge or issue within science education that your presentation addresses.

  • Describe the work you have been doing and explain the connection to the challenge or issue you have indicated. If this is a research study, then supply some findings.

  • Explain the information you will present to those in attendance and what you expect for them to learn from this presentation.

5) Pertinent reference list

ASTE Proposal Rubric:

REVIEW CRITERIA (1=inadequate  to  5=superior)

1) Clear focus/problem: The proposal has a clear focus and/or addresses a problem that is timely and significant to science teacher education.

2) Theoretical or conceptual framing: The research study, philosophical viewpoint, position, or innovation described in the proposal is grounded in a conceptual or theoretical framework and in the research base for science teacher education.

3) Methodology/design of the study or organization and quality of other presentation types:

  • For research studies, the work is based on sound methodology and research practices.

  • For philosophical viewpoints, it is clear how the logic and coherence of arguments is tied to the theoretical or conceptual framework.

  • For position papers, the position is well-grounded in the existing literature and considers multiple perspectives and arguments.

  • For innovations, there is a clear connection to the theoretical or conceptual framework and pedagogical perspective of the authors.

4) Findings/conclusions (if research study) and contributions (for philosophical viewpoints, position paper, or innovations): The work contributes to the knowledge base in science teacher education either through using evidence to answer one or more research questions, articulating a philosophical viewpoint, synthesizing the existing literature and the implications for practice, and/or by providing evidence of the effectiveness of an innovation.

5) Relevance to science teacher education: The proposal is relevant to the mission of ASTE to advance policy and/or practice through scholarship, collaboration, and innovation in science teacher education.

6) Of interest to the ASTE membership: The proposal session has implications for the work and interests of the ASTE membership– including science teacher educators in a variety of roles and contexts (e.g., preservice/ inservice or formal/ informal)

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Donna Ross (, the Far West ASTE Regional Director.

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